Let's face it, the Cyber Problem is not getting better.

☕️ Organizations are spending 100’s of millions of dollars on cyber defense and still getting hacked.

☕️ Cyber defense and infrastructure modernization programs are using a one-size-fits-all strategy on these critical projects. 

☕️ Our most talented cyber and network teams are burning out by working around the clock defending organizations.

☕️ Project teams don’t have the luxury of time on their side like the cyberwar adversaries do.  


We look at the cyber problem from a different perspective. 

   METL TM Labs cyber defense battlefield strategy to win

METL™ Labs battlefield strategy combines open source intelligence or OSINT data aggregation with AIOpts  Reconisence looking at the problem from the outside perimeter. The mission is to pinpoint proactive countermeasures to block next-generation cyberattacks. Since the technical teams were never responsible for threats outside the perimeter there is no one to blame for discovery findings.  This discovery has been undetectable by popular security tools and risk rating systems.  The results are like a digital throat punch to cybercriminals.

Start fighting back against cyber criminals. Click to #FightBack


 Accelerated Work Effort - AWE  

Accelerated work effort provides project management offices (PMO) with proven methods for business-critical cyber and network infrastructure modernization operations delivery projects. The results streamline communications with globally diverse teams for better collaboration for operational cyber defense modernization teamwork success. Create AWE for your next big cyber modernization project. 

Click to get #AWE

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Headquarters: Lake Winnebago MO 

D-U-N-S number: 119079550

NAICS codes 518210, 541611, 541990



CMMC Compliance 32 CFR § 170.19(b)(2) - We do not process, store, or transmit Federal Contract Information (FCI).

International Class 042 

Purchase - External Cyber Threat Intelligence for your security operation team console. Buy eCTI™ JSON File feed.   

Download the capabilities statement.

Cyber defense accelerator for compliance enablement for ISO 27000nHITRUSTSOC 2TISAXTPNNIST, CMMC.

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