Giving Back to Make a Difference

We the People Can Make a Difference together. 

Gary Sensise Foundation Donations

Code of Vets that gets veterans off the street. Donations

Black Rifle Coffee. Donations

Power Grid Pay-It-Forward.  Donations






Operation Healing Forces’ mission is to serve the needs of America’s wounded, ill, injured, and fallen Special Operations Forces service members, veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors through a suite of programs that promote long-term mental, physical, emotional, and fiscal well-being.

Using social media platforms to help veterans in crisis or in need. It is time to take care of our own. One veteran at a time.

Black Riffle Coffee Company

Lone Survivor TXT saves lives. 

The ‘Grid Down, Power UpMOVEMENT!  When you donate to the cause, you’ll be providing this experience to people who have not had access to this powerful knowledge. We know you’re feeling compelled to make a difference now that you’ve discovered the gravity we face as Americans with the potential of living in a world without power.

Our Corporate Headquarters:

5900 Balcones Drive ​Ste 100, Austin, TX 78731

D-U-N-S number: 119079550

NAICS codes for external cyber threat intelligence in Cybersecurity 541512, 541519, 541611, 541990

International Class 042 - Computer security consultancy in the field of scanning and penetration testing of computers and networks to assess information security vulnerability.
External Cyber Threat Intelligence and Risk Remediation Accelerator for compliance security enablement for ISO 27000n, HITRUST, SOC 2, TISAX, TPN, NIST/CMMC

