Our Capabilities
Our capabilities statement for cyber defense accelerator.
Our capabilities statement for cyber defense accelerator.
OS Intelligent is a veteran-owned small business with strategic partners that are service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses. We offer organizations advanced AI to find hidden external cyber threat intelligence. We provide corrective action plans for DNS registrar protection, protective DNS, and continuous monitoring to protect against advanced persistent threats of phishing, ransomware, malware, and bot attacks. We support IAW the NSA requirement, 14 JAN 2021 related to Protective DNS and DNS Security, and CISA NSA Joint Guidance dated May 2021. Justifications under EO 14028, OMB 23-10, NIST 800-37 R2
● External cyber threat intelligence with advanced AI to catch what has been missed by most popular security tools and risk rating systems.
● Domain Registrar protection and Monitoring.
● Protective DNS and Monitoring for APT, Phishing, Ransomware, Malware, and BOT attacks.
● Both external and internal continuous DNS monitoring.
● Automated OFAC & ITAR Automated Compliance reporting.
● Our new cyber defense modernization accelerator creates and executes action plans against a mission essential task list (METL) approach to the cyber problem.
● Cyber defense accelerator created to support the Executive Orders 14028, OMB21-31, 23-10, NIST SP 800-37 Rev. 2, CISA, and DHS Mandates.
Download our full capabilities statement.
ISO Standards:
NIST Frameworks:
DISA STIGs (Defense Information Systems Agency Security Technical Implementation Guides)
Other Frameworks:
CIS Controls (Center for Internet Security)
Business Justifications:
Executive Order 14028 Directive Since 2021
Publicly Traded Companies - Mandates Form 8-K - SEC - Cyber Threat Reporting Requirement. Penalties min. 5K per issue not reported within 96 hours at average. 50K/Day up to 4% of Revenue.
NIST/CMMC – Continuous Monitoring https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/sp/800/137/final
CISA Protective DNS Initiative - https://www.cisa.gov/resources-tools/services/protective-domain-name-system-resolver Executive Order support
Cloudflare Registrar HLS Mandate Protected DNS Registrar - https://www.cloudflare.com/press-releases/2023/cloudflare-wins-cisa-contract-for-dns-services/
eGov – OMB-23-10 https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/M-23-10-DOTGOV-Act-Guidance.pdf
Headquarters: Lake Winnebago MO
D-U-N-S number: 119079550
NAICS codes 518210, 541611, 541990
International Class 042
Purchase - External Cyber Threat Intelligence - eCTI™ for your security operation team console. Buy eCTI™ JSON File feed.
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Cyber defense accelerator for compliance enablement for ISO 27000n, HITRUST, SOC 2, TISAX, TPN, NIST, CMMC.
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